OK, let’s start by stating some facts… I 100% do not believe this happens!
This is actually a good introduction into the idea that I plan on discussing a lot of myths about the chiropractic profession, chiropractic treatment, chiropractic results and literally everything in between and what you can always expect for me is transparency honesty and a genuine quality to everything that I am discussing. I don’t want you to think that I don’t absolutely love my profession because I do but first things first let’s get through all the myths and mis-facts. Starting a relationship off on the right foot is always very important to me even in this blog so… Buckle up and get ready for some honesty about chiropractic and everything that involves.
Alright now I feel like now that we’ve cleared that up, we can dive in…?
As you all know I am considered a modernized Chiropractor therefore I don’t subscribe to a lot of the traditional ideas of toxins this and toxins that when it comes to correlating it with chiropractic adjustments so I thought this might be a nice topic of conversation for us to dive into today…here we go!
In the past, and frankly the whole concept that crazy toxins are released after a gentle chiropractic adjustment was because during a rougher or more traditional adjustment people occasionally had a physical negative response. This negative response could’ve been if the Chiropractor had used too much force and caused a little bit of soreness or simplistic things like that.
So somewhere along the way, traditional Chiropractors developed the idea of preparing people for this toxin type of release after their first chiropractic visit. I think this concept may have tracked in 1983 but since it’s 2022, and the truth is most modernized Chiropractors (like yours truly) do not believe in this type of “toxin release“ after a chiropractic adjustment.
In retrospect I think Chiropractors were just trying to normalize feeling sore after an adjustment which to be honest I disagree strongly with! I completely understand that back in the day there was no other way and that there were huge benefits to chiropractic care and in order to get them some people had to feel a little sore after. I’m thankful for traditional chiropractic but very excited that we have modernized, grown and… Improved!
Nowadays, chiropractic adjustments simply shouldn’t be rough enough to cause absolutely ANY soreness! You should ALWAYS leave a Chiropractor feeling 1000 times better than when you walked in the door… Right?! To be honest that’s how every single one of my patients over the last 15 years would answer.
The now outdated concept of crazy toxins are released after a gentle chiropractic adjustment came from the idea that after your first adjustment people might experience a cold or flu like type of symptoms. This idea came from the thought process that this was the body’s immune response to the release that it needed of let’s say a “back up.” Most Chiropractors called this release of crazy toxins after a gentle chiropractic adjustment a good thing… slightly scary yes but overall promoted it with the idea that releasing these toxins from the muscles and joints had some ability to remove the negative toxins from the body.
Again, to clarify not something that I believe in as a modernized Chiropractor practicing gentle and modern chiropractic in Overland Park since 2008.
Even WEbMd encourages gentle chiropractic care: https://www.webmd.com/pain-management/chiropractic-care-directory
In the past the idea of these toxins releasing after a chiropractic adjustment would be described as fatigue, headache, night sweats, tight muscles and again kind of like a cold or flu like type of symptom.
The traditional thought process was to think of it like a backed up garden hose and when a chiropractic adjustment happened it released all of that buildup. Traditional Chiropractors would explain that the spinal pressure was being blocked and therefore blocking the communication signals from the spine into the muscles and the joints and of course blocking energy flow as well. A lot of traditional Chiropractors would even go as far as telling their patients to drink a ton of water after their adjustment to help continue the flow in release of these toxins. Now to be clear, everyone should always drink a lot of water all of the time before, after and during a chiropractic adjustment!
Lost my train of thought there, OK back on track… So in concept if you believe that then the gentle chiropractic adjustment would release all of those crazy toxins… it would be a positive thing! As with everything, knowledge comes with time and we’ve learned that this is simply not the case.
Now that we’ve discussed the traditional idea of what would happen or what crazy toxins are or are not released after a gentle chiropractic adjustment let’s talk about what really happens!? No, I do not believe that crazy toxins are released after a gentle chiropractic adjustment… I want to hope that I’ve made that clear by now! But what I do believe happens is that with a proper gentle non-twisting low force chiropractic adjustment people feel fantastic after! Their muscles are looser, they have an increased range of motion and overall their mood is higher. Now why don’t we promote that? Lol
Interested in scheduling with a gentle modern Chiropractor that will tell it like it is?
We pride ourselves on being transparent, open, honest and treating each patient like they are family.. each phone call, each text, each treatment.
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Just some thoughts from your Leawood Chiropractor,
Dr. Christina 🙂
MON, WED + FRI: 9AM - 12PM
TUES + THURS: 10AM - 5:30PM